Friday, December 30, 2005

"Monitizing" Web X.0

I've noticed that much of the chatter out there has been about "Monitizing" the web. Here are some observations and thoughts...
  1. Gen 1 of Web 2.0 (already under way) will continue to monetize itself with Ad Supported presentation.
  2. Gen 2 of Web 2.0 will take it to the next level and deliver value in a transaction basis. This will be the difficult stage, since we're talking fragments of functionality rather than full systems the price must be relatively small and until someone can figure out how to make micropayments work without evaporating the profits micropayments are going to be tough...
  3. Gen 3 of Web 2.0 (probably the las gen before we move on to Web 3.0 - the semantic web) will see virtual accounts where we have currencies not controlled by the banks and the processing houses... where we'll store value and then use the web as a value mill, earning value by certain behaviors and draining value by others and when we want to (we here represents either the user or the provider) we will be able to convert the web currency to real world currency in a cash out kind of sense. We're a few years away from gen 3...

This all needs more work... maybe I'll get back to it after my book!


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