There goes the Bloggerhood!
It looks like the great equalizer of the blogosphere has been stratified and there are now those who track who's worth listening to for us...
I can see a time in the not so distant future when a major media corp (or could that be just plain "NewsCorp") puts its massive resources behind an effort to "edit" the Blogosphere... aggregating all that 'they' think is best on the web and presenting it in nice tidy packages (they used to call them 'columns') and sorting it all for the great unwashed... surrounding the data with cute little ads and dumbing it down so much that it's not worth the paper (errr packets...) it's printed on... hmmmm... sounds familiar, I hope they get it right this time! (And I hope I eat my words!)
If you are interested in seeing "Who's speaking and who's listening in the International Blogosphere" then "Meet the Bridgebloggers"
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